Originally the diary of 4 months spent in Antarctica working as a documentary film sound recordist, this blog has evolved into an online repository for the thoughts, travels and trivia of the writer Richard Fleming. For McMurdo Station, Antarctica, and polar exploration, see August through December of '06. Currently you are likely to find in these pages chronicles of my actual and literary meanderings, as well as notes on my many other passions. Also, did I mention I wrote a book?
Since I wrote that caption I might as well....
Ruins of an obsolete culture that hasn't existed that long yet. The age of oil began on January 10th of 1901 on the Spindletop hill in Texas, when the Croatian engineer Anthony Lucas came upon the largest oilfield ever discovered by then. In a matter of ten years oil became the major driving force of the world economy.
....all going with a lengthy essay on the latest musings on peak oil in literature and non-fiction books. Pretty much doom and gloom and the most forwarded story on the paper's website today. Well, if Germans understand one thing it's doom and gloom.
Hello Rick,
looks like you already received a very fine translation of the caption, so I can go back into digital slumber mode.
Cath loves your blog and alerted me that you needed help with some German phrases.
We'll be in Germany next week. Bis dann und Tschuess Georg
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